National Holidays
National Holidays
Boheme can choose how they spend their time on National Holidays, therefore this time is considered to be Free Time. Technically, this time can be spent either working, studying or participating in whatever legal activity they so wish. That being said, it is encouraged that Boheme participate in the organised activities specific to whatever festival or celebration is occurring during these National Holidays. This is because all of the National Holidays coincide with important celebrations or festivals that help strengthen the bonds of the Clann communities and Boheme people. They also serve the important purpose of connecting the Boheme with their past ancestry, traditions, customs and beliefs. Finally, the Tailteann Games and Ceilidh festivals are a time for the Boheme to showcase their skills and participate in activities which in many ways form the heart of their culture; namely games, music and arts.
Tailteann Games: 4th month of the year
Ceilidh: 9th month of the year
Clann Month: held in the 16th Month of each Year.
Samhain: 3-day celebration of the new year and the start of winter
Yule: 3-day celebration of the winter solstice
Imbolc: 3-day celebration of the start of spring
Eostre: 3-day celebration of the spring equinox
Bealtaine: 3-day celebration of the start of summer
Litha: 3-day celebration of the summer solstice
Lughnasadh: 3-day celebration of the start of autumn
Mabon: 3-day celebration of the autumn equinox
Shabbat and Celebrations
In the instance where there is a conflict in the calendar in which a celebration falls on a Shabbat day, then the celebration or festival will take precedence. In many ways celebrations and Shabbat days represent opposite extremes and thus individuals would struggle to be both restful and reflective whilst also indulging in what is often wild debauchery and the celebration of the sensual pleasures.
Clann Month The 16th month of each Year is the month during which it is recommended Boheme connect back with their Clann or extended family units at the very least. Whilst it is not mandatory that a Boheme travel to where their Clann is residing (if they are not already there) it is highly encouraged to ensure that they are maintaining their connection and bonds with their Clann. The vast majority of Boheme will spend the entire month with their Clann, although not necessarily the whole month will be spent in the same location. Many fun activities and enjoyable social events will be organised by the Clann community leaders during this month. Many of these will be organised on the Clann's Fimbul ECOS Treearrow which serves as the Clann's base of operations and spiritual home. Each of the 13 Clanns have their own Fimbul ECOS Treearrow.
Tailteann Games
The Tailteann Games is held each year for an entire month in the 4th Month of each Year. This month is filled with many sporting events and competitions. The National Capital City hosts these sporting events and the many dedicated sports facilities, stadiums and race tracks located within the National Capital City become alive with activity during this period of time. Many Boheme flock to the National Capital City during this time, however, for those that cannot or do not wish to travel to the Capital, then the events can still be watched by these individuals as all of the events are broadcast live across the planet. Given that the entire month is considered a National Holiday it is a time of wild partying, inter Clann socialising and celebrating the many sports that the Boheme love most. All Boheme can spectate for free at any sporting event, however, visiting foreigner tourists must pay an entrance fee for each event.
Tailteann Games and Marriage
Marriage can be arranged at any time of the year but in keeping with an ancient Gaelic practice, should prospective marriage couples wish they can wait till the Tailteann Games to then participate in a mass Marriage event and enter what is called a type of trial marriage which would last for an entire year. Similar to a period of betrothal, this allows the newly wed couple to trial the marriage for one year with the option of formal divorce a year later if things did not work out.
In the event that they wished to arrange a divorce then the custom would require that the couple then return a year later and the formal divorce would be conducted by a Druid at a sacred shrine nestled amongst what was referred to as Separation Hills, which were the located just North of Danu. In practice this almost never occurs and a formal electronic application to the National Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages for a divorce is the norm.
For all intents and purposes, once they are married in this way, it is exactly the same as if they had been married by the more conventional method and thus is really purely a symbolic practice that some couples may wish to participate in mainly for the participation in the communal marriage festival arranged during the Tailteann Games. Also, if a couple divorce after the 1 year period has expired then there will be no material impact on their lives as there are no adverse consequences for divorcing (save for the scrubbing of the Secondary Clann Tattoo) and no cultural shame practices associated with this.
The Ceilidh is held each year for an entire month in the 9th Month of each Year. This month is filled with music, dancing, story-telling, plays and poetry recitals. The National Capital City hosts many formal events related to these activities in dedicated theatres, amphitheatres, recital and concert halls and massive dance halls scattered throughout the city. All Boheme can spectate for free at any sporting event, however, visiting foreigner tourists must pay an entrance fee for each event.
Many Boheme flock to the National Capital City during this time, however, for those that cannot or do not wish to travel to the Capital, then the events can still be watched by these individuals as all of the events are broadcast live across the planet. Whilst many Boheme will travel to the National Capital City to participate in the organised events, the majority will spend this month at smaller private parties or with close kinship groups. Given that the entire month is considered a National Holiday it is a time of wild partying, inter Clann socialising and celebrating the arts.
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