National Industries
There are 13 National Industries within which every single economic and financial activity occurs. These 13 National Industries are governed and administered by the Industry Councils, along with a large supporting staff of Bureaucrats, as well as artificial intelligence technology.
Most of the National Industries are themselves broken up into sub-divisions. For example the Transportation, Aerospace Management and Communications Industry is composed of a Transportation Division, an Aerospace Management Division and a Communications Division.
Bureaucrats work in each Industry and Division and they are responsible for ensuring that each Division functions optimally and synergistically with every other Division and Industry.
Whilst all of the collective national economic activities have been split across the 13 National Industries, in practice there is simply one National Economy which functions as a single giant interconnected network of interdependent parts. For this reason the Industry Councils and Bureaucrats of each Industry must work closely together with all other Industry Councils and Bureaucrats to ensure that the Nation runs optimally and efficiently.
The 13 National Industries include:
Transportation, Aerospace Management and Communications
Health Care
Hospitality and Retail
Arts, Culture, Entertainment and Recreation
Mining and Agriculture
Infrastructure Construction, Repair and Maintenance
Public Finance
Public Trade
Last updated