Interplanetary Relations
Bohemia is located within the mid-risk zone of the MUD controlled space of Galia. Whilst they acknowledge that they are a part of the MUD faction they follow a policy of military and trade neutrality with everyone, except the Ustur who they have a complicated relationship with. They are also extremely pro-Human and have a significant unconscious bias against other species. Whilst they will do trade with all races, all factions and all political parties, including pirates, their inherent bias can be seen in their laws against use of certain alien space craft as well as their strict immigration policies for aliens. The exception to all this are the Ustur.
Military Neutrality
The Bohemians are not an aggressive people and will not normally initiate a military engagement, however, they will defend their homeland of Bohemia as well as their foreign interests if and when required. They view their home planet of Bohemia as a sacred land for which they would willingly give their lives if it were in any way threatened, however, they have no interest in invading or capturing other planets. That being said, if they find an uninhabited planet that has valuable resources then they will create an outpost at this location and will defend it if threatened. If an outpost or any of their ships travelling out in space are destroyed by a major foreign Faction, then the Bohemian National Diplomats will seek significant financial compensation in the first instance from the offending perpetrators. They will use their political power to try to resolve the issue via diplomacy, however, if this fails despite multiple attempts, then they will switch to force. Given that Bohemia is a relatively small Nation State, they do not rely on brute strength attacks against superior forces. Instead they would send out several Special Forces squadrons to take out the individual or individuals who were directly responsible for the offense. Just like their Irish ancestors, the Bohemians cannot let such an insult to their pride and dignity slide. They have a burning need for vengeance and retribution, which is brutally and efficiently carried out by their elite Special Forces Squadrons.
Bohemian diplomats have historically been very vague in answering questions from MUD Council diplomats as to whether Bohemia would respond to a summons to war received from the MUD Council. Bohemian diplomats have neither denied nor affirmed queries as to whether they would send their National Military Armies to fight in a major war if called upon by the MUD Council.
Trade Neutrality
Bohemia trades with all races (except Ustur), all factions (except Ustur) and all political parties, including pirates. They neither support nor condemn piracy, however, they do draw the line at slavery and will report any evidence of slavery to the appropriate authorities within any given Faction.
Diplomatic Relationship with Ustur
Officially, Bohemia has a neutral stance towards the Ustur faction as a whole, which includes all Ustur cities and states, however, unofficially Bohemia have declared war against the Ustur. This does not mean they actually initiate attacks against the Ustur, in fact it is quite the opposite. They simply avoid the Ustur faction region entirely. In the event that a Bohemian encounters an Ustur at some diplomatic or mercantile event located on the land of a mutual third party, they will simply ignore them completely as if they did not even exist.
The Bohemian officials have made it very clear that Ustur are not welcome in Bohemia. Ustur are banned from entering any Bohemian airspace, land, outpost, ship, space station or any other region, vehicle or structure that rightfully belongs to Bohemia. The punishment for breaking this law is immediate execution if found within Bohemian borders and a single firm warning if they are discovered at the border or attempting entry via official customs channels.
For this reason, Bohemia do not directly trade with the Ustur faction, however, the Bohemian authorities are happy to deal with third parties who in turn trade with the Ustur thus allowing them to obtain necessary resources possibly only found in the Ustur faction region of space.
Immigration Policy related to Non-Human Species
Bohemia has extremely strict immigration laws in order to protect the sanctity, traditions and heritage of their fine culture. For this reason, the immigration of individuals from non-human species (specifically races from the ONI Factions) is not permitted and is illegal. Alien foreigners are not permitted to apply to become permanent, or even temporary, residents. If by some chance a visiting foreigner alien gives birth to a child whilst visiting Bohemia, the child will have no claim to any Bohemian birthright and the parents are required to take the child with them once their visa expires. Refugees are not an issue due to the massive expanse of space that separates Bohemia from most other colonised worlds, and moreover there are many well known refugee sanctuaries scattered throughout Galia, where such individuals would be far more welcome.
It goes without saying that those from the Ustur faction are not only not permitted from applying for immigration to Bohemia, but they are also banned from entering any Bohemian airspace, land, outpost, ship, space station or any other region, vehicle or structure that rightfully belongs to Bohemia.
Immigration Policy related to Humans
Bohemia allows foreign humans to apply to become Bohemian Citizens. The process involved in becoming a Naturalised Citizen is, however, lengthy as it takes four years from start to finish.
Process of Becoming a Naturalised Citizen
Phase One: The initial stage is the application phase. An application must be submitted with the Citizenship Department of the Public Finance Industry. A background credit and criminal check is also run at this phase.
Phase Two: If the individual passes the first phase then a Bureaucrat will review the employment and medical history of the person in question. If the individual is deemed to be a healthy and skilled worker then they would move to the next stage, which would be an interview stage.
Phase Three: The first interview would be with a single bureaucrat trained in psychological analysis. Any red flags would be identified during this process. After the first interview relevant references would be contacted. Then a second interview would be conducted with a panel of Bureaucrats. The purpose of this interview would be to determine whether the individual would be a good ideological fit. Questions related to religion, interests, hobbies, values, ethics etc would be asked during this time.
Phase Four: If the individual has passed all aforementioned phases then they would be provided with a Resident visa. They would be not be afforded all the privileges that are normally available to a Boheme at this stage, however, they would have access to all Public Services and Infrastructure in the same way that Citizen would. They would not, however, have any voting rights and would not be able to own a business nor would they be able to join the National Military.
During the first three months of this period, they will be required to attend full-time mandatory educational sessions on the Bohemian history, culture, values and religion. Mini exams to test understanding would be conducted throughout this period.
The entire period as a Resident lasts four years and individual would be monitored during this time. They would need to regularly check in with a contact at the Citizenship Department on a bi-monthly basis for a medical and psychological assessment as well as an interview regarding how they are integrating. During this time, they would be permitted to work in any work role (excepting the National Military) and they will also be permitted to study at the National University. Just like a citizen, they must, however, meet the Minimum Working Hours in order to continue to be eligible to access to all Public Services and Infrastructure.
The relevant contact that has been assigned to their case at the Citizenship Department would also contact the Residentโs direct reporting superior each month for an update on how they are tracking at work and/or with their studies. Questions related to performance, timeliness and behaviour would be asked.
Phase Five: Assuming the Resident has made it through the four years as a Resident then a final review of all the data collated over the previous four years would be analysed by a team of Bureaucrats and a final interview with a panel of Bureaucrats at the Citizenship Department would be held. Pending final sign off from this panel then the individual would be granted full and unrestricted Bohemian Citizenship. They would not, however, be associated with a Clann and would not be considered a Clannsman or Clannswoman nor would they have Clann tattoos. To become adopted into a Clann is an entirely separate process that does not involve the Citizenship Department.
Tourism Visa
Foreigners, of all species and from all Factions, are welcome to apply for a Tourism Visa. A rigorous background check is run on such applicants and if they are approved then they will be granted the opportunity to stay and travel within Bohemia for up to one year from the date of approval. Certain restrictions on their activities do, however, apply. For instance, they cannot access any free public services or access public infrastructure, as these are exclusively only for the Boheme. They also cannot work in any employment or participate in any business activities that generate any income. The exception to this is gambling and rewards earned from competing in sports. For the most part, Tourists are encouraged to spend as much money as they like using the various services and infrastructure available in the Hospitality and Retail Industry as well as the Arts, Culture, Entertainment and Recreation Industry.
Business Visa
Foreigners, of all species and from all Factions, are welcome to apply for a Business Visa. Background and credit checks are run on such applicants and an interview with a Bureaucrat from the relevant National Industry that they would like to do business with is required. Business Visas are seldom granted due to the rigorous vetting process and even when they are granted, all activities of these individuals are carefully monitored during their stay. If they are approved then they will be granted the opportunity to stay and travel within Bohemia for up to two months from the date of approval.
If they have not concluded their business activities then they can apply to extend their visa by a further two month but this is not automatically granted and is subject to review. They can only extend their visas up to a maximum extension of six months after which they will need to leave Bohemia and reapply for a new Business Visa. Certain restrictions on their activities do, however, apply.
For instance, they cannot access any free public services or access public infrastructure, as these are exclusively only for the Boheme. They also cannot work in any National work roles. They cannot participate in any illegal business activities. They cannot become involved in any political affairs or provide donations to any political groups. They cannot create a new business in Bohemia or buy an existing business, nor can they own any shares of a new or existing business. Instead, these visas allow them the opportunity to do business with either the Nation State of Bohemia, or with independent Bohemian business owners who own their private businesses. Such deals may be to purchase materials, goods, products or services or, conversely, the deals may be to sell their own materials, goods, products or services. Foreigners granted Business Visas are also permitted to partake in any and all activities that a Tourist would.
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