
Given that the Boheme culture is based on a nomadic way of life, the Boheme for, obvious reasons, love their ships. Much like their Irish Traveller ancestors who were born on and grew up in their travelling wagons, the Boheme are born and live their entire lives on ships. It is forbidden for Bohemian citizens to own or permanently live in any permanent residences in Danu or Nemed as these are only for visiting dignitaries, businessman or tourists.

The Boheme own and use different ships for a variety of purposes and functions. That being said, only certain ship manufacturing brands are permitted to be used by Bohemian citizens on or within the confines of Bohemia, irrespective of whether it is for business-related or recreational-related purposes.

The approved ship manufacturing brands include:

  • Fimbul

  • Fimbul BYOS

  • Opal

  • Pearce

  • Calico

  • Armstrong

All other ship brands are not permitted to be used by Bohemian citizens within the legal spatial borders of the planet of Bohemia. Similarly, any Bohemian citizen travelling outside of Bohemia on non-private business, which is to say working directly on behalf of the nation-state of Bohemia, is also not permitted to use any ship brand other than the aforementioned brands. If a Boheme is caught transgressing this law then the state will punish the individual(s) accordingly.

The reason for this is due largely to their unconscious bias against other species as the Boheme are for the most part fiercely pro-Human. The permitted ship brands are either MUD aligned or faction agnostic and even the Calico brand, which admittedly has ties with the ONI, are led by the MUD and in this way are grudgingly considered acceptable ships.

Interestingly, the only MUD owned and operated ship manufacturer brand ships that are banned are Fimbul ECOS ships. The reason for this is due to significant idealogical differences and a mutual dislike of one another. Whilst the Boheme could always purchase Fimbul ECOS ships from third parties they passed the law to forbid them due to their significant antipathy and enmity towards the radical organisation.

None of the restrictions on ship brand usage apply to visiting foreigners; which may include, but are not limited to: visiting dignitaries, diplomats, business people and/or tourists.


Account for approximately 39% of all ships. The preferred ship brand, as well as the most widely owned and used ship brand, would be Fimbul. The Boheme Nation State have a very good working relationship with the Fimbul Corporation, which has led them to becoming an approved and authorised manufacturer of Fimbul ships. The other reason that the Fimbul brand of ships are so widely used on Bohemia is because the Boheme as a people genuinely love the rough aesthetics of the Fimbul ships.

Fimbul BYOS

Account for approximately 34% of all ships. The second most widely used ship brand would be Fimbul BYOS by a large margin. These are predominantly used by the National Defence Industry and the National Trade Industry. The National Military use Fimbul BYOS ships extensively in their fleets as do the various freighting . Unlike the Faction agnostic and easy-to-deal-with Fimbul Manufacturing Corporation, the Fimbul BYOS Manufacturing Corporation will not deal directly with Bohemia due to their rule of only supporting those initiated in the Jorviks. As a result, Bohemia must buy all their Fimbul BYOS ships indirectly from third party traders, which inevitably leads to the addition of a modest premium on the normal cost but they feel that it is worth the extra cost given how critical many of these ships are to their interplanetary freighting activities and national defence force.

Opal, Pearce, Calico, Armstrong

Collectively account for approximately 27% of all ships. Ships from these ship brands are used for a variety of different purposes by the Boheme populace and the National Industries.

Last updated