Martial Arts
The Bohemians have inherited four primary traditional Irish martial arts. These include:
DornálaĂocht, which is the Irish word for boxing
CoraĂocht, which is the Irish word for wrestling
SpeachĂłireacht, which is the Irish word for shin-kicking
Bataireacht, which is the Irish word for stick fighting
The culturally iconic Irish practice of boxing, DornálaĂocht, is the most popular martial arts practice for Bohemians to spectate, however, it is not the most widely practiced martial art. The most practiced martial art is that of CoraĂocht and almost all Bohemians begin experimenting with this through play fighting as young children and eventually graduate to formal lessons as older children.
The Military train their soldiers in the practice of each of these traditional Irish martial arts, however a particular emphasis is placed on CoraĂocht, which has evolved over time to incorporate aspects from other non-Irish martial arts such as Krav Maga. In particular the Krav Maga techniques of disarming an armed opponent have been integrated into the practice of CoraĂocht. The practice of CoraĂocht is therefore more popular and more practiced by Bohemian military personnel than any other Irish martial arts due to the fact that it is more practical and has a greater military application.
In contrast the practice of SpeachĂłireacht is not nearly as popular with the majority of Bohemians and has mostly been integrated into a new form of kick-boxing martial art that merges techniques from both DornálaĂocht and SpeachĂłireacht, but even this is not widely practiced.
The practice of Bataireacht is only mildly popular with the general Bohemian population, however, it does have a dedicated core of extremely passionate followers. The Four-Leafed Clover Brigade of the SeamrĂłg Cult is a good example of a group of individuals who are obsessed with the practice of Bataireacht.
Other Sports
The Boheme are really into their sports, both for spectating purposes and also participating. Many clubs and teams exist in virtually every sport and many of these clubs are Clann-based. It is also not uncommon for several clubs to exist within the same Clann for the larger sports.
It goes without saying that a by-product of their passion for sports and games, a massive gambling culture exists.
The top five most popular sports in terms of viewing include:
1) Ship Racing (XX-Small Ships through to Small Ships)
2) Gaelic Football
3) Boxing
4) Hurling
5) Horse Racing
Other popular sports include:
Axe Throwing
Gaelic Handball
Spear Throwing
Rifle and Pistol Shooting Competitions
Hang Gliding
Wind surfing
Wood Cutting
Sport Climbing
Athletics (Running and Jumping)
Table Tennis
Weight Lifting
Alpine Skiing
Drone Racing
Other less athletic sports commonly played include:
Fidchell (ancient celtic chess game)
Board Games
Last updated