The National Defence Industry Council
The National Defence Industry Council is responsible for governing, managing and directing all National Defence activities. They coordinate the activities and operations of the entire National Defence. The National Defence Industry Council is supported in their role by a massive staff of Military Bureaucrats.
Military Bureaucrats
Military Bureaucrats have all had to undergo extensive specialised military training to ensure that they are optimally managing and directing all National Defence activities and operations. The key areas covered during this training include: military strategy and doctrine, military geography, military intelligence, military logistics, military administration and military technology. In order to correctly perform such a massively complex task the Military Bureaucrats within the National Defence Industry must work closely with the commanding officers of the various military units within the National Military. There is therefore a very close professional relationship between the Military Bureaucrats and the forces of the National Military.
Police Bureaucrats
The Police Bureaucrats work in the Administration Divisions of the National Police Branches and provide administrative support for the National Police Forces. The Police Bureaucrats also serve as the primary link between the National Defence Industry Council and the National Police Branches. Directives from the National Defence Industry Council come via the Police Bureaucrats and each Police chief is assigned an advisory Expert Police Bureaucrat.
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