Flora and Fauna
Bohemia: the Sacred Natural Reserve of ancient Gaelic Ireland
The planet of Bohemia itself was terraformed specifically with the intention to recreate the environmental conditions and biome of the island of Ireland from ancient Earth. Therefore, only flora and fauna found in Ireland prior to the 17th Century AD (Terran calendar system) are found in Bohemiaβs wilderness. The Boheme have extremely strict import laws and stringent customs processes to ensure that the sacrosanct environment remains pristine and unaffected by the introduction of foreign flora or fauna. The Boheme view their planet as a Sacred Natural Reserve of ancient Gaelic Ireland.
Whilst every attempt to prevent the wilderness from being exposed to any foreign organisms (whether from being imported in from off-planet or contamination from a specimen in one of their laboratories or agricultural fields) sometimes accidents happen. To deal with these scenarios, the Boheme have designed tiny flying insect-like robots that fly around the forests and monitor for any foreign organisms (whether multi-cellular or uni-cellular) and viruses. If detected, these tiny robots will alert other larger flying robots that will come, eliminate or neutralise the threat if possible, and report back to the Park Rangers regarding the degree of the threat and the extent of any damage that was caused (if applicable).
The natural wilderness of Bohemia has many wild horses, however, some Boheme also own domesticated horses which they breed and use for horse racing. Whilst this is not nearly as popular as ship racing, it remains popular with a small niche of the population.
A wide variety of birds that were once indigenous to Ireland are found in the natural wilderness of Bohemia.
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