At the highest level the population is divided by Clann lines, however, Cults allow individuals from different Clanns with shared common values or interests to come together as a group for various purposes or reasons. There are secular Cults and non-secular Cults.
Most cults are led by a small group of leaders (typically between 5-8 individuals), however, some cults are led by single charismatic leader. Most larger cults have different arms of the cult dedicated to different functions. Some examples include:
Military Arm
Political Arm
Religious Arm
Social Arm
Artistic Arm
Sporting Arm
Major Cults
Seamróg Cult (aka The Four-Leafed Clover Cult)
They are an extremely Nationalistic and conservative leaning group who deeply identify with their Irish heritage. They are highly politicised and are frequently involved in activist activities. They are extremely anti-immigration and are vehemently against the immigration of any and all foreign humans. They have a large military arm within which is the infamous Four-Leafed Clover Brigade.
Four Leafed Clover Brigade
The Four-Leafed Clover Brigade is composed of civilian members of the Seamróg Cult who volunteer their spare time to march around the National Capital City of Danu and the National Space Station Nemed with the purported intent of helping to keep the peace. In reality, the National Police are responsible for keeping the peace and handle almost all incidents, therefore for the most part the Four-Leafed Clover Brigade simply march around like swaggering bullies looking to start a fight with tourists or would-be migrants residing on Bohemia on resident visas. They are seen by the general populace and the National Police as a mostly harmless nuisance that are to be tolerated. The Four-Leafed Clover Brigade are passionately obsessed with the practice of Bataireacht and are always seen marching around with a sail éille, which is the Irish word for a wooden walking-stick/cudgel/club.
Tuatha Dé Cult
The meaning of the cult name loosely translates to tribe of the gods. This is a group deeply committed to preserving the knowledge and practice of the ancient Gaellic Irish, specifically the pagan mythology and mysticism. They regularly practice many pagan rites and revere the Tuatha Dé Danann, who are described as a supernatural race. Members of this cult frequently report being visited and guided by the Tuatha Dé Danann during ceremonies, rites or when sleeping.
MUD Cult
An extremist cult who are obsessed with are obsessed with all things related to Manus Ultima Divina. They see themselves as the physical embodiment of The Last Divine Hand and frequently go on what they call Holy Crusades throughout Galia with the express goal of assisting any HUD humans who require their aid. Whilst they acknowledge their Bohemian heritage and identify as Bohemes, they also see themselves first and foremost as MUD humans. As a result they are extremely xenophobic.
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