Public Trade
The Public Trade industry has two primary branches. These include:
Freight Services (Contract work to transport cargo from one destination to another)
Interplanetary Trade (Import and Export of Raw Materials and Manufactured Goods)
Freight Services
Bohemia have specialised in end to end freight contract services. This economic activity contributes the largest portion of revenue to the National Treasury. Foreign paying customers can rest assured that their precious cargo will reach the destination in one piece as Bohemia also utilise the National Military to provide a robust security escort.
The freight services branch of the Public Trade Industry work very closely with the National Military and each mission is conducted as a joint effort between the bureaucrats coordinating the freight services and the military bureaucrats coordinating the security escorts for such trips.
Interplanetary Trade
This branch relates to the economic activities related to the import and export of various raw materials and manufactured goods. The bureaucrats in this industry work closely with Public Finance to ensure that all of the National Industries have the necessary raw materials and manufactured goods required for optimal functioning.
All exported cargo must first go through the Space Station Nemed for processing and customs check clearance prior to being freighted off-world. All imported cargo must first go through the Space Station Nemed for processing and customs check clearance prior to entering Bohemia.
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