The planet is composed of five major island land masses, multiple small islands, as well as two permanent polar caps. The polar caps do not, however, have any underlying land masses instead being formed of floating arctic ice sheets that stretch for many kilometres in a wide circumference around each pole.
The oceans contain numerous unnamed tiny islands, many of which are no more than rocky outcrops protruding up from the water.
There is only one land-based city on the planet and this is the National Capital City known as Danu.
There is also a smaller city located up on the National Space Station known as Nemed.
Main Island Continent
Ériu is named after the matron goddess of ancient Ireland.
Major Islands
These four major islands have been named after the four island cities where the four treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann were discovered in the Mythological Cycle of ancient Irish literature. The four islands include:
National Regions
The planet is divided into thirteen regions, which are split across the five major island land masses. These regions are utilised regularly by the population and contain land-based infrastructure that serve various purposes (i.e. agricultural farms, mines, solar farms etc). Unlike Danu and Nemed, these regions do not contain any cities or land-based residential structures, .
Each of the four smaller major islands is split into two regions, whilst the main island continent of Ériu is composed of five individual regions.
The National Regions have been named after prominent members of the Tuatha De Danann, a supernatural race of gods, kings and heroes in Irish mythology.
The thirteen regions include:
Dian Cecht
These regions are important in that each region will play host to an individual Clann and no region will have more than one Clann in it at any given time. The exception to these are the National Capital City of Danu and the National Space Station of Nemed, which can host more than one Clann at a time. Danu and Nemed are technically not within any National Region.
National City and National Space Station
National Capital City: Danu
The National Capital City of Bohemia is known as Danu. It is located on Ériu, which is the main island continent of the planet. High above Danu in extra-atmospheric space floats the National Space Station known as Nemed. A diverse population of inhabitants from each of the thirteen Clanns composes the National Capital City.
Danu contains many retail, commercial, entertainment and residential structures and is the only land-based location on the planet that has permanent land-based residences. These are limited in number and are used as temporary living spaces for visiting diplomats, businessman or wealthy tourists. It is forbidden for Bohemian citizens to own or permanently live in any residences in Danu.
Once a year, during the fourth month, Danu hosts the Tailteann Games involving many sporting events, games and competitions which attract much of the population to the National city for this month.
National Space Station: Nemed
The National Space Station called Nemed floats above the National Capital City (Danu). Danu and Nemed are connected via a long umbilical cord, and various transport shuttles regularly travel back and forth between them.
Nemed is a small city and houses many retail, commercial, entertainment and residential spaces. It is also the primary receiving dock for incoming goods and serves as the customs checkpoint for any incoming extra-planetary goods or personnel.
The residential spaces are limited in number and are used as temporary living spaces for visiting diplomats or wealthy tourists. It is forbidden for Bohemian Citizens to own or permanently live in any residences in Danu.
IÉriu is the main island continent of Bohemia and is approximately seven times larger than the largest of the other four major islands. Ériu was terraformed into a near perfect circular-shape. The National Capital City of Danu is in the dead centre of the island continent and is surrounded by five equal-sized, roughly triangular-shaped regions. Ériu is named after the matron goddess of ancient Ireland.
The five National Regions on Iriu include:
The island of Murias is the northernmost of the five major islands, with its northern tip located close to the north polar cap, and therefore has a relatively cooler climate when compared to most of the other islands except for the southern regions of Findias.
Murias is a roughly circular shaped island and contains a coastal lowland of sparsely vegetated rolling low hills and a central highland devoid of any vegetation save for a few species of very hardy plants. Both the lowland and the highland are scattered with boulders and rocks of varying shapes and sizes and high, sheer rocky escarpments separate the lowlands from the highlands. During winter, the highlands are covered in a thick layer of snow. It is a place of harshly stark beauty.
Murias has rich mineral mining deposits scattered across the island and therefore has several mining sites on it.
The Boheme have built a large henge in the centre of the highland region, which is called Murias Henge.
The island of Murias is split into two roughly equal-sized National Regions known as:
Falias is an island in the equatorial region of the planet. It is a mostly flat lowland island except for a single large now extinct volcano rearing up near the centre. The island is characterised by large, dense forests.
It is on Falias that much of the ecological and biological research and studies are conducted.
The island of Falias is split into two roughly equal-sized regions known as:
Gorias is an island with one active, three dormant, and five extinct volcanoes. The lowlands around these volcanoes are characterised by small pockets of dense woodland separated by vast flat meadows of grassland. It is a roughly C-shaped island with an enormous bay.
Gorias is the location of multiple active geothermal sites which produce a significant amount of geothermal energy.
The island of Gorias is split into two roughly equal-sized regions known as:
Dian Cecht
Findias is a long strip of land that runs from north to south and is in the South Sea. It was formed by two tectonic plates being pushed together many millennia prior. A high spine of rock runs the entire length of the island, creating many mountain peaks. Most of the land on the island is composed of snow-capped mountains with very few flat lowland regions.
The island of Findias is split into two roughly equal-sized regions known as:
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