Migrations and Nomadic Lifestyle
The Boheme are a mostly nomadic people as were the ancient Irish Travellers and thus the Boheme are frequently on the move across the planet both as individuals, in family units and/or as a Clann. On average around four fifths of the population are nomadic whilst one fifth of the population have settled either permanently or semi-permanently (greater than 5 years) in one location.
At any given time, there will be 1 Clann inhabiting each of the 13 National Regions. In this way, each of the Clanns will inhabit one of the 13 National Regions for a 1 year period and at the beginning of every year each of the Clann Councils, as well as typically at least a quarter of the Clann members, will migrate en masse from their then current National Region location to another National Region. This migration is determined by a pattern of migration to ensure that the Clanns cycle through every National Region once over a 13 year period. In this way it takes 13 full years before a Clann will return back to the same National Region. That being said, whilst a Clann will play host to a National Region for a year this does not mean that the sole inhabitants of an entire National Region are from that Clann.
In fact typically only around a quarter of the total population of a Clann permanently live and move together with the Clann. Therefore at any given time there is normally a diverse mix of all Clanns in any given National Region. The exception to this is the Clann Month of the year during which most Boheme travel to the National Region that their respective Clann happens to be inhabiting. Whilst the length of time that a Boheme will stay in a particular area varies significantly and is influenced by many different factors (such as age, occupational role, family ties etc.) the average duration that a young Boheme will stay in any local region is around 4 months, whereas the average duration that a middle aged Boheme with a family will stay in any local region is around 1 year. Young Bohemes therefore typically move with the change of season which occurs every 4 months.
Because the entire economic system is designed with a mobile population in mind it is very easy for citizens to move from place to place and pick up work in a new location (depending on the specific role, their experience and prior training).
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