Dynamic National Salary
What is it?
Every actively working citizen of the planet is entitled to receive a monthly income payment known as the Dynamic National Salary, which is paid directly into their personal wallet address. It is calculated as an hourly rate and paid in real time to citizens for every hour of work or study. That being said, only workers of Experienced rank and above receive the Dynamic National Salary. The other thing to note is that whilst it is a National income it is not a fixed or set amount and thus is not to be confused with a Universal Basic Income. Rather, an individual's salary rate of income is determined by which occupational role they are working in at that time.
The specific point in time dynamic value of the per hourly rate is calculated and re-calculated at the beginning of each day and is dependent on two primary factors. These include the number of total workers in that occupational role as well as the relative Ideal Worker Value for that specific occupational role.
The Ideal Worker Value is an ever changing number denoting the moment in time ideal number of workers required for a specific occupational role and is based on several factors. This acknowledges that not every occupational role, or even profession, requires the same number of workers and accepts the inevitability of an uneven distribution of workers across all economic sectors and industries.
Current as well as historical data is used to calculate the Ideal Worker Value for each occupational role and such data includes the total population size, total working population size, historical efficiency and productivity data metrics of a specific role, worker satisfaction and wellness data metrics, the average historical demand for the products or services produced by the occupational role measured over the previous 3 years and finally the current available abundance of raw resources and manufactured materials required to perform the occupational role. This Ideal Worker Value, which is different for each occupational role, is then used to calculate the Ideal Salary Value, which is the same for each occupational role, and thus in turn determines what a worker will be paid when performing a particular occupational role.
Why have it?
The reason that this exists instead of simply a fixed Universal Basic Income, is to ensure that the economy remains functional and whole. The danger of a system whereby everyone receives the same fixed rate of pay irrespective of what occupational role they perform is that inevitably the roles that are considered boring, distasteful, dangerous or unattractive would possibly never be performed as the majority of people may simply choose the easiest, safest and most enjoyable roles. Thus, the implementation of a Dynamic National Salary ensures that even the unsavoury or unattractive roles get filled.
Technically, the system does actually have a Universal Basic Income built into it known as the Ideal Salary Value, however, in practice because of the inevitable uneven distribution of workers across the occupations the system needs to have self-correcting mechanisms to help correct back to and then maintain the Ideal Salary Value in each occupational role. The system is therefore in a perpetual process of attempting to achieve ideal worker balance and it does this by financially incentivising or disincentivising workers to join occupational roles with total worker populations that have deviated from the Ideal Worker Value.
How Does it work?
Basically, workers performing roles in an occupational role that has fewer than the Ideal Worker Value will receive a higher per hourly salary rate than the Ideal Salary Value thus incentivising new workers to join. Conversely, those workers performing roles in an occupation that has greater than the Ideal Worker Value will receive a lower per hourly salary rate than the Ideal Salary Value thus disincentivising new workers to join this role and possibly even resulting in some existing workers considering leaving to try another occupational role within the same profession or in an entirely new profession.
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