Typical Life Expectancy
The Boheme are long-lived just like most MUD-humans. This is thanks to significant advances in medical technology. The average Bohemian life expectancy is around 135 standard years. Aging occurs at a slower pace and many Boheme are still actively working even in their 100s.
Public Health
All medical consults, investigations, procedures, medications and related rehab services are freely available for all Boheme. Of note, these do not include elective medical procedures such as body modification, tattoos, body augmentation or surgical implantation of mechanical or electronic technological hardware.
Each Boheme is also provided with their own personal, portable Medi-Scanner which tracks their vitals and provides them with data and personalised advice regarding their general mental and physical health, nutrition, sleep habits as well as exercise habits and performance. It is built into their space suits and connects with the Neuro-Tech brain implant.
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