Time is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. A day on the planet is 26 hours. A month on the planet is made of 21 days and there are 16 months in a year therefore there are 336 days in a year. It takes 21 days for the local moon to pass through all of the Moon phases, measured by one new moon to the next new moon.
There are 8,736 hours in a year on the planet Bohemia. When this is compared to the number of hours in a year on Earth, which is 8,760, it can be seen that this is almost exactly the same. Despite their being fewer days in each month, there are more months in the year and longer days. The significance of this is that one year on the planet Bohemia is almost exactly the same amount of time as a year spent on Earth. The year is simply divided differently and the days are slightly longer on Bohemia. The Bohemia year therefore also matches the years referred to in the Galactic Calendar, which is used throughout Galia.
Free Time
Free Time is defined as that time during which a citizen or resident is free to choose how to spend their time. Unlike Shabbat or Work Time which have stricter rules regarding the activities one should or can participate in during these times, Free Time allows the a citizen or resident the freedom to choose how they spend this time. Some spend it hiking in the wilderness, some spend it racing, some spend it partying, some spend it meditating, some spend it playing music, some spend it playing sport, some spend it gambling, some spend it studying and some even spend it volunteering for community projects. A citizen or resident could technically work during these periods of time if they really wanted to.
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