Transportation, Aerospace Management and Communications
Aerospace Management
The Transport Division is responsible for managing the National Transportation System.
The National Transportation System is a public service that all Bohemian citizens are able to freely utilise should they wish to. Non-citizens are able to use the National Transportation System, however, they will be charged a fee to use this service.
The National Transportation System has four separate public services:
Region to Region Transport: National Hover Train System
Capital City to Space Station Passenger Transport: Opal Bitboats
Bohemia to Space Station Cargo Transport: Fimbul BYOS Packlite
Intracity Transport: Fimbul Airbike and Fimbul Lowbie
Region to Region Transport: National Hover Train System
The National Hover Train System is located on each of the 5 major islands and it consists of a network of magnetic tracks above which Hover Trains glide. This network connects different regions and key land-based infrastructure on each of the 4 smaller major islands with each other. On the main island continent of Iriu, this network connects the different regions with each other as well as to the National Capital City. The National Hover Train system is designed to connect key locations such as mining, agricultural, manufacturing or research sites. These sites are connected to the main network via minor train lines that feed into the major train lines. Whilst this network is mostly used to transport freight (goods and raw resources), the trains do also include carriages for human transportation, although in practice these are rarely used by passengers as the majority of citizens have their own modes of airborne transport or they choose to travel on Clann-owned ships.
Capital City to Space Station Passenger Transport: Opal Bitboats
Multiple Opal Bitboats travel back and forth between the National Capital City Danu and the Space Station Nemed at all times of the day but more frequently during the daytime.
Bohemia to Space Station Cargo Transport: Fimbul BYOS Packlite
Multiple Fimbul BYOS Packlites travel from a variety of destinations on Bohemia to the Space Station Nemed at all times of the day but more frequently during the daytime. Similarly, multiple Fimbul BYOS Packlites travel from the Space Station Nemed to a variety of destinations on Bohemia at all times of the day but more frequently during the daytime. All exported cargo must first go through the Space Station Nemed for processing and customs check clearance prior to being freighted off-world. All imported cargo must first go through the Space Station Nemed for processing and customs check clearance prior to entering Bohemia.
Intracity Transport: Fimbul Airbike and Fimbul Lowbie
Fimbul Airbikes and Fimbul Lowbies can be used in the National Capital City Danu by citizens for free, however, each citizen has a monthly free usage quota. Once this has been exhausted they will need to pay per hour for the usage of these vehicles. Non-citizens must pay to use these vehicles.
There are multiple docking stations for these vehicles scattered throughout Danu therefore once someone has finished using the vehicle they can simply drop the vehicle off at the nearest docking station.
The vehicles can only operate within a circumscribed region within and around the National Capital City. If they are driven close to the edge of their operational range then warning signals and messages will alert the pilot to turn around. If the pilot fails to do so then the auto-pilot will kick in and return the vehicle back to the authorised operational zone.
Aerospace Management
This Aerospace Management Division is responsible for managing the planet's airspace and ensuring that flights through the airspace are safe and orderly. They do this by monitoring the movements of all ships within the atmosphere and by ensuring that ships of Capital Size and above only move according to pre-determined scheduled flight paths, which the ships' pilots need to have advised of at least 26 hours prior to the time of scheduled departure.
They are responsible for ensuring that regularly used flight paths and regions remain safe for passage and they need to coordinate any emergency rescue procedures in the event of a collision or mid-air accident.
They also provide meteorological updates to the inhabitants of the planet regarding inclement weather which may impact flying conditions.
The Communications Division is responsible for managing the nation's National Communications Network, which allows for near instantaneous connection (broadcasting and receiving of signals) between any point on the planet and any other point on the planet. Whilst it is a publicly available network which anyone can use (even non-citizens), any messages or transmissions sent are encrypted and private thus ensuring that only the intended recipient(s) can access the transmission.
The Communications Division is also responsible for ensuring the network maintains constant uninterrupted uptime and therefore they rely heavily on AI technology as well as millions of data sensors located throughout the vast distributed network of transmission and signalling infrastructure that covers the planet.
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