Social Structure
Bohemia has an egalitarian society that is without class (although military and non-military professions have seniority ranks, but these are not considered a form of class system). All the Boheme have equal access to free public services and infrastructure; they all receive the same Dynamic National Salary, irrespective of their role or rank; they are all required to work or study the same minimum hours; they all have the same opportunities to vote on National Proposals; and they all have the same opportunities to submit Industry or National Proposals.
Clanns are very large groups of interrelated familial units that are historically associated. The Boheme are spread across 13 Clanns. Clanns do not own any land or any critical public infrastructure. The land and all critical infrastructure is owned by the nation state. Clanns, families, individuals and companies can, however, own personal property (such as ships, clothing, personal possessions etc) but all the major infrastructure is owned by the Nation state that is Bohemia.
Families are the smallest familial groups on Bohemia and many different Families make up a single Clann. Some Families are more powerful than others due to historical positions of leadership within the Clann.
A Citizen is synonymous with a Boheme. In order to be considered a Citizen of Bohemia, one must be a Boheme. Every Boheme belongs to one of the 13 Clanns and each Clann has a unique Birth-Clann tattoo which identifies them as being from that particular Clann. The Birth-Clann tattoos are located in two key places on the body for easy identification. The tattoos reflecting the Clann an individual is born into are on the dorsal aspect of the right hand and at the right temple.
It is, however, possible for a Boheme to marry into or be adopted into another Clann. Such individuals never fully disassociate from their birth Clann, but for all practical purposes they would then identify with their new Clann. Such individuals would then receive a second set of tattoos (Adoption-Clann Tattoos) signifying their identification with their new Clann. These tattoos are found at the dorsal aspect of the left hand and in the left temple region.
Naturalised Citizens
Naturalised citizens are those Boheme who were not born as Boheme and who did not have at least one Bohemian parent. In order to be eligible to become a Naturalised Citizen an individual must first and foremost be human. Non-human species are not permitted to apply to become Bohemian Citizens.
Foreign humans can apply to become citizens of Bohemia via immigration. This is a lengthy process that takes four years from start to finish.
At the highest level the population is divided by Clann lines and Families, however, Cults allow individuals from different Clanns or Families with shared common values or interests to come together as a group for various purposes or reasons. There are secular Cults and non-secular Cults.
Boheme-Boheme Marriage
When two Boheme from different Clanns choose to marry, they must choose to identify as a couple with only one of the Clanns. It can be either partner’s Clann and is therefore not gender-determined. They cannot identify as a couple with both Clanns at the same time. Thus, any offspring borne from the union will, by default, identify with the Clann that was chosen by the couple. When a couple marries and chooses a Clann to identify with as a couple, then the individual who was not born to that Clann will be formally adopted into this Clann and receive the new Clann’s tattoos on the Adoption-Clann tattoo locations of their body. They will, however, need to undergo the full process associated with adoption into a Clann.
Of note, a Boheme will always still be able to identify as an individual with the Clann they were born into, irrespective of whether they are adopted into another Clann. They never lose this connection unless they are Banished.
Identification with a Clann permits an individual full privileges afforded a Clannsman, including voting rights and participation in Clann festivals or events.
Boheme-Foreigner Marriage
If a Boheme wishes to marry a human foreigner they must either elope and live together somewhere outside of the jurisdiction of Bohemia, or alternatively, the human foreigner can go through the long process of becoming a naturalised citizen. They would not be legally acknowledged as being married during this period of time, however, they would be able to live together and once the human foreigner finally is granted full citizenship then they would be able to marry.
Only human foreigners are permitted to marry Boheme.
When two Boheme divorce, they are required to undergo a procedure called Scrubbing if either of them had chosen to receive an Adoption Clann Tattoo.
Clann tattoos
The clann tattoos are mostly just symbolic and are not practically used for identification purposes. The reason for this is that every Boheme, and even every visiting foreigner, has been registered into a National Identification Database. This means that when someone is scanned using an ID Scanner - which all standard Neuro-Tech devices have equipped - then they are able to immediately identify who the individual is. Interestingly, the scan is not based on facial recognition or recognition of any other physical traits. This is because body modification surgeries and augmentations can completely alter someone’s appearance and therefore such scanning practices would be redundant in a world where one’s appearance can be entirely changed for the right amount of money. Instead it scans the person’s Harmonic Resonance Field, which is unique to each living organism and which no technology has as yet been able to fundamentally alter. Of note, Ustur also generate their own unique Harmonic Resonance despite technically not being living organisms.
Adoption into a Clann
The primary candidate for adoption into a Clann would be newly naturalised Citizens as they will not have a Clann, however, non-naturalised Boheme can and do sometimes wish to be adopted into another Clann for one reason or another.
The process of becoming adopted into a Clann, whilst not as long as the process of becoming a Citizen, is arguably harder as it requires more social interaction and community participation. It requires that five Clannsmen or Clannswomen of the relevant Clann support them in their application. For many aspiring human foreigners who must spend four years as Residents, they inevitably will become more acquainted with individuals of one Clann or another and thus by the time the four years have elapsed they usually would have at the very least ten acquaintances if not friends belonging to the Clann they wish to become adopted into.
Once the Citizen has found five people willing to vouch for them, then a meeting would be held with the relevant Clann Council at one of their meetings, which are held twice per month. The individual would need to present their case as to why they should be considered for adoption into the Clann and why they have chosen this particular Clann. The five other sponsors would then provide their opinions regarding the individual’s character and why they would be a good fit. Once these are all heard then the floor is opened up to anyone who would disagree with the proposal. If no one objects, and unless someone has done something terrible then no one normally objects, except possibly jealous or jaded lovers which sometimes occurs, then the the council will agree to allow the Citizen provisional Clann membership on the condition that they perform six months of volunteer Clann-related community work.
Feedback from relevant Clann members will be received during this period and then at the end of this period the individual will once again present themselves before the Clann council and, once again so long as no one objects and provides a valid reason for why the individual should not be adopted into the Clann, then the individual will then be ritually adopted into the Clann by the Clann Shaman. They will be placed in a pool of water and fully submerged with the Clann Shaman holding their head below the surface for a brief period of time. When they emerge, they are seated and immediately receive their Clann tattoo and are then formally acknowledged as Clannsman or Clannswoman. Of note, adopted Clannsman or Clannswoman receive their tattoo on the Adoption-Clann tattoo location and not the Birth-Clann Tattoo location. Naturalised Boheme therefore have no Birth-Clann tattoos and they can be distinguished from Boheme born into the Clann in this way.
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